Team Hold On

Hold On | Short Film | Fantasy, Drama

Stage: In development. With a full script, art direction, and support of the Israeli film fund Keren Makor. 

We seek producers and inspire Co-production. 

What do we do when a loved one falls ill, and their disease sucks them deep into their memories and keeps that person buried there. What does dementia sundowning look like? Are the patients locked in a parallel world when it happens? 

What is left of a person after they forget their stories? What do they leave behind them? 

A man and his granddaughter sit and chat about the past. The park scenes evoke memories, and he relishes his childhood in Tel Aviv in the the1930s, telling his granddaughter of old events. 

The disease cuts off his train of thought while he tries to tell his story. He sinks into his inner world, while his granddaughter is unaware of the storm inside him though she senses his decline. It is their farewell.

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